Sunday, 14 April 2013

Final Model

Clients & Concept

Antonio Stradivari : Curve
             The round shape of the room show the curve. Also the ceiling of the room has a round shape with is made up of glass. It allow the light to come in. The top floor is has a glass wall which allows the  client to see out side and also it make possible visitors to show the client working.

Jiro Ono : Combination
             The patterned material of the wall show the combination of different material. Also the shape of the model is different from the rest of the model which it features a combination of different shapes. The pointy top of the model which is located upper ground allow the natural sun ray to come in and light the building.

Overall design

The overall design is combining a two concept which is Curve and Combination. The Upper Ground Level is showing the concept of the Curve and Under Ground Level is showing the concept of the Combination. The Ground Level is combining the two concept thous it show the form of curve and using the combination of different material. The stairs are showing the concept of the different materiality and patterned shapes. More over the door to the Model show the concept of curvedness.


Animations include 3 videos. One video is showing general outline of the model. Other two video are showing Upper Ground Level and Under Ground Level.

ps. My original Video File is 15 second but in youtube video, it keep saying it is 16 second.

Saturday, 13 April 2013

Developed Model Section Plan

2nd Sketchup Model (Draft)

Upper Ground
        Antonio stradivari 

Under Ground
         Jiro Ono

1st Draft Developed

Extra Door Sketches

The Door to the building on Ground Floor


The Different Set of Stair Sketches

The Sketchup Model Stairs based on the Sketches

1. Ground level to Under Ground Level

2. Ground Level to Upper Ground Level

The 18 Sketch Section

1. Change
2. Listen
3. Curve

I. Combination
II. Cut/ Serve
III. Fresh

Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Inspirational Video

The way of making sushi consist of choosing verious toping (fishes) and rice. From the procedure of making sushi, the idea of 'combination' can be brought.